Some information that you should read before you register JVComm32:

JVComm32 is a program which I am writing entirely in my spare time.
It runs on a multitude of different computers and operating system (as long as they are Windows ;-)
I cannot guarantee, however, that JVComm32 runs on any possible combination of Hardware, operating system and system drivers.

I have tested the program myself with Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000 professional and XP.

Please do not ask me whether or not JVComm32 will run on your computer system. I just cannot tell because the variety of hardware/ software and driver combinations is almost infinite.

To give you the option of testing JVComm32 on your machine without any financial risk, I have programmed the free demo version which is fully functional. You can download this demo version from this site.

If the program turns out to not run smoothly on your computer, please have a look at the FAQ page on this site. Here, you can find some hints on how to get JVComm32 running on some "nasty" computers.

If you like JVComm32 you can just buy a registration key which makes the free demo version a full registered version.

I expect that, before you register, have tested the program on your computer carefully.
Please do not register and pay before you know whether or not JVComm32 runs on your computer, and that you are fully satisfied with the program.

I will, of course, always try to give support for whatever problem regarding JVComm32. However, because I am limited to giving support in my spare time only, I cannot guarantee that I am always able to give this support within
a reasonable period of time.

Please do only register after you have read the following issues, and if you agree with them:

  • You have downloaded the free demo version of JVComm32 and have tested it substantially.
  • You know that a later change of your hardware, drivers or operationg system may cause JVComm32 to malfunction or to function in a different way.
  • If JVComm32 does no longer runs satisfactorily because you have changed your hardware (including the computer itself) or your operating system, or your drivers this does not cause the right to getting a refund.
  • Just like almost all software producer, I shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages arising from the use of the JVComm32 program package.
  • Using this software for the reception of some transmissions as well as the reception of these transmissions itself might be illegal in some countries. I shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of such illegal acts.
  • Before you contact me for support, you have read the topical FAQs on this home page, and have not found a solution for your problem there.
  • The registration key that you buy will be valid for all future versions of JVComm32, too. It is also valid for so called "pre-releases" of new JVComm32 version.
  • If the further development makes necessary another registration key schema, all registered users will receive a new registration key for free. (besides possible charges for shipping the key)
  • There is a forum on this site which is meant to serve for the information exchange betwenn the JVComm32 users. This forum is not moderated, and if you want to contact the program author, please contact him directly and not via this forum.
  • By agreeing to the above issues, you help the autor to find the necessary spare time to continue the development of this software.

Proceed to the secure online registration